Day 4: Mennonite Country (Abbotsford – Hope)

May 13, 2014

Bridal Falls including the requisite shirtless man with long hair on the log behind me
Bridal Falls including the requisite shirtless man with long hair on the log behind me

Abottsford is deep in the heart of Mennonite country in British Columbia. I guess we always notice our tribes beyond what may be apparent to the rest of the world but I starting noticing too many Mennonite names on mailboxes to be a coincidence or mistaken identity. If you notice an Enns or Braun here or there it’s probably a fluke but in numbers you start to expect a church or two. Not to disappointed I came across various stripes in the Mennonite tradition. On top of that Mennonite Educational Institute, Columbia Bible College, and a new headquarters for Mennonite Central Committee. Anyway, I enjoyed the best part of Mennonite country by staying with a friend last night and having farmers sausage (Mennonite pork sausage) with another friend for brunch. Thank you!

Mountains in the distance
Mountains in the distance

Today I also rolled ever so steadily towards the mountains. As you can see, they are looming large. Consider the next few days ahead of me, it’s a little ironic to be staying in Hope, BC tonight. It sounds like one John Bunyan’s deceptively misnamed places like By-Pass Meadow, which is inviting especially consider the alternative but assuredly just as destructive. I guess I know there trouble and sorrow ahead so at least I’m going into this with eyes open, with hope that I’ll make it to the otherwise. A Bunyan character would of course fall into peril because the hope was in himself.

Road Report: 93km
The road was primarily along the TransCanada highways and so largely uneventful. Along the way you pass Bridal Falls; it’s a little climb but worth the stop.


  1. Saundra Roger says:

    Aww… Jacob you are so sweet. I was so thrilled to see you. You always have a place to stay and I hope that you all Mike, Guinness, and you will come for a holiday.

    • jbquiring says:

      Thank you Sandra. It was really nice of you to reach out give me a little personal touch to Abbotsford. Next time we’ll have to go dancing again 🙂

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